Shows the user's wallet information.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
wid | Int | Wallet ID |
walletAddress | String | Wallet Address |
walletNm | String | Wallet Name |
secureLevel | Int | |
nftCount | Int | Number of NFTs Holding |
createKst | TimeInterval | Wallet Creation Time |
updateKst | TimeInterval | Last Wallet Update Time |
Shows information about the blockchain.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
majorAssetInfo | Major Asset ID | |
nativeCoinInfo | Chain's Coin Information | |
chainNm | String | Coin Information for the Network (Chain) |
chainType | String | Chain Type |
chainTypeDcd | Int | Chain Type Code |
testnetYn | boolean | Testnet (Y/N) |
chainActiveYn | boolean | Chain Active (Y/N) |
chainDesc | String | Chain Description |
evmChainId | Int | EVM ID |
chainId | Int | Chain ID |
Shows the asset information and price information of $FNCY Coin..
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
assetInfo | Asset Information | |
assetId | Int | Asset ID |
projectLink | String | Project Link |
whitePaperLink | String | White Paper Link |
symbol | String | Asset Symbol |
krwPrice | Decimal | Price(KRW) |
usdPrice | Decimal | Price(USD) |
btcPrice | Decimal | Price(BTC) |
ethPrice | Decimal | Price(ETH) |
displayKrwPrice | String | Price for Display Output(KRW) |
displayUsdPrice | String | Price for Display Output(USD) |
displayBtcPrice | String | Price for Display Output(BTC) |
displayEthPrice | String | Price for Display Output(ETH) |
dailyLowerKrw | Decimal | Daily Low(KRW) |
dailyLowerUsd | Decimal | Daily Low(USD) |
displayDailyLowerKrw | String | Daily Low Display Output(KRW) |
displayDailyLowerUsd | String | Daily Low Display Output(USD) |
dailyHigherKrw | Decimal | Daily High(KRW) |
dailyHigherUsd | Decimal | Daily High(USD) |
displayDailyHigherKrw | String | Daily High Display Output(KRW) |
displayDailyHigherUsd | String | Daily High Display Output(USD) |
dailyVolumeKrw | Decimal | Daily Volume(KRW) |
dailyVolumeUsd | Decimal | Daily Volume(USD) |
displayDailyVolumeKrw | String | Daily Volume Display Output(KRW) |
displayDailyVolumeUsd | String | Daily Volume Display Output(USD) |
hourChange | Decimal | Hourly Change |
dayChange | Decimal | Daily Change |
Name | Type | Description |
majorAssetId | Int | Major Asset ID |
majorAssetSymbol | String | Major Asset Symbol |
contractAddress | String | Contract Address |
majorAssetDecimal | Int | Asset's Maximum Length of Decimals Allowed |
majorAssetSymbolImg | String | Major Asset Symbol Image URL |
Shows information about the asset (coin) used to pay for the network's services.
See Also
Name | Type | |
nativeCoinDecimal | Int | Asset's Maximum Length of Decimals Allowed |
nativeCoinId | Int | Coin ID |
nativeCoinSymbolImg | String | Coin Symbol Image URL |
nativeCoinSymbol | String | Coin Symbol String |
Data showing information about the assets held in the wallet.
Provides the wallet's balance (balance), asset information (assetInfo), and price information (prices) for the balance held.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
wid | Int | Wallet ID |
chainId | Int | Chain ID |
assetSeq | Int | Asset Seq |
balance | Decimal | Asset Quantity (in wei) |
balancePlainString | String | Asset Quantity (in wei) String |
displayBalance | String | Asset quantity (in ETH) String |
assetInfo | Asset Information | |
prices | Asset Price information |
Data that shows asset information.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
chainId | Int | Chain ID |
chainNm | String | Chain Name |
assetId | Int | Asset ID |
assetNm | String | Asset Name |
assetSymbol | String | Asset Symbol String |
assetSymbolImg | String | Asset Symbol Image Link |
assetType | String | Asset Type |
assetTypeDcd | Asset Type Code | |
contractAddress | String | Contract Address |
assetDecimal | Int | Asset's Maximum Length of Decimals Allowed |
Shows the value of an asset based on the currency (BTC, ETH, USD, KRW).
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
btcPrice | Decimal | BTC Price |
displayBtcPrice | String | BTC Price String |
ethPrice | Decimal | ETH Price |
displayEthPrice | String | ETH Price String |
usdPrice | Decimal | USD Price |
displayUsdPrice | String | USD Price String |
krwPrice | Decimal | KRW Price |
displayKrwPrice | String | KRW Price String |
Shows the value of the total assets held in the wallet.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
wid | Int | Wallet ID |
totalUsdPrice | Decimal | Asset Price USD |
displayTotalUsdPrice | String | Asset Price USD |
totalKrwPrice | Decimal | Asset Price KRW |
displayTotalKrwPrice | String | Asset Price KRW |
Shows information about the NFTs holding.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
nftId | Int | NFT ID |
wid | (optional)Int | Holder Wallet ID |
ownerOfDcd | NFT Status Code | |
ownerOf | String | NFT Status |
nftInfo | NFT Information |
Shows the properties and details of the NFT.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
nftId | (optional)Int | NFT ID |
nftNm | String | NFT Name |
chainId | Int | Chain ID |
tokenId | Int | Token ID |
contractAddress | String | NFT Contract Address |
nftDesc | (optional)String | NFT Description |
attributes | (optional)[FncyNFTAttribute] | List of NFT Property Values |
nftSymbol | String | NFT Symbol String |
nftSymbolImg | String | NFT Symbol Image URL |
assetTypeDcd | Asset Type Code | |
assetType | String | Asset Type |
nftMetaUri | (optional)String | NFT Meta URI |
nftAnimationUrl | (optional)String | NFT Playable Media Link |
nftMediaUri | (optional)String | NFT Media URI |
nftMetaJson | (optional)String | NFT Metadata Json |
Shows question information for wallet restoration.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
questionSeq | Int | Question Seq |
questionEn | String | Question English |
questionKr | String | Question Korean |
questionJp | String | Question Japanese |
Shows ticket information for sending a transaction.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
wid | Int | Chain ID |
signatureType | String | Transfer Type |
signatureTypeDcd | Transfer Type Code | |
transferFrom | String | Asset Send From Address |
transferTo | String | Asset Send To Address |
transferVal | Decimal | Size of the Transferring Asset(wei) |
txNonce | Decimal | Transaction Nonce |
txGasPrice | Int | gas price(in wei) |
txGasLimit | Int | gas limit(in wei) |
txInput | String | When Smart Contract Execution, Required |
contractAddress | (optional)String | Contract Address |
chainId | Int | Chain ID |
assetId | Int | Asset ID |
nftId | (optional)Int | NFT ID |
tokenId | (optional)Int | Token ID |
maxPriorityPerGas | Int | EIP-1559 |
maxFeePerGas | Int | EIP-1559 |
ticketUuid | (optional)String | Ticket UUID |
ticketHash | (optional)String | txHash |
Shows the details of transactions sent to the network.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
assetInfo | Asset Information | |
chainId | (optional)Int | Chain ID |
wid | Int | Wallet ID |
blockNumber | (optional)Decimal | Transaction Block Number |
historySeq | Int | History Seq |
walletAddress | String | Wallet Address |
txId | (optional)String | Transaction ID on Blockchain |
txNonce | (optional)Int | Transaction Nonce |
txVal | (optional)Decimal | txVal |
txFee | (optional)Decimal | Gas used for Transfer (wei) |
displayTxFee | (optional)String | Gas used for Transfer (ETH) |
txAnnotation | String | txAnnotation |
transferFrom | String | Send From Address |
transferTo | String | Send To Address |
transferVal | Decimal | Size of the Transferring Asset(wei) |
displayTransferVal | String | Size of the Transferring Asset(ETH) |
transferMethod | String | TranferMethod |
txSt | String | Transaction Status |
txStDcd | Transaction Status Code | |
inOut | String | Deposit/Withdrawal Category |
inOutDcd | Deposit/Withdrawal Code | |
blockTimestamp | TimeInterval | Creation Time of Block Containing History |
historyUts | TimeInterval | Last Data change Time |
Shows the current gas price information for the network.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
slowGasPrice | Decimal | Slow Transfer Speed, Sow Gas Price |
middleGasPrice | Decimal | Moderate Transfer Speed, Moderate Gas Price |
fastGasPrice | Decimal | Fast Transfer Speed, High Gas Price |
maxPriorityFeePerGas | Decimal | EIP-1559 |
baseFeePerGas | Decimal | EIP-1559 |
Shows the property information of an NFT.
See Also
Name | Type | Description |
attrSeq | Int | Attribute Seq |
nftSeq | (optional)Int | Corresponding NFT Seq |
trait | (optional)String | Key Value of Corresponding Property |
traitValue | (optional)String | Value of the Corresponding Property |
rarity | Decimal | Rarity |
order | (optional)Int | Attribute Order |
createDt | (optional)TimeInterval | |
updateUts | (optional)TimeInterval |
Last updated