Execute SendCoin/Contract

This document describes how to 'Send Coins' and 'Execute Smart Contract'.

Send coins and executing smart contracts is possible from wallet security level 2.

To learn about wallet security, read Wallet Security Level.


// Sample Usage
let wallet: FncyWallet = let wallet: FncyWallet = try await fncyWallet.getWallet()
// 1. Gas Price Search
let gas: GasPriceInfo = try await self.fncyWallet.getGasPrice(chainId: 3)
// 2. Ticket Search
let estimateResult:
 FncyTicket = try await fncyWallet.estimateTicket(wid: wallet.wid,
                                                  chainId: 3,
                                                  signatureType: .assetTransfer,
                                                  toAddress: wallet.walletAddress,
                                                  assetId: 6)
// 3. Ticket 생성
let ticketUUID = try await fncyWallet.makeTicket(wid: wallet.wid,
                                                 chainId: 3,
                                                 signatureType: .assetTransfer,
                                                 toAddress: wallet.walletAddress,
                                                 transferVal: "100000",
                                                 txGasPrice: gasPriceInfo.middleGasPrice.description,
                                                 assetId: 6)
print("ticketUUID : ", ticketUUID)

// 4. Ticket Trasnfer
let txId = try await fncyWallet.sendTicket(ticketUuid: ticketUUID, 
                                           pinNumber: "111111")
// 5. Transaction Result check
print("txID : ", txId)
//txID : 0xc19f68e548c2ed933291aa4cbc9748b4d2b0de4bf1a5516f0b74579fb8e13b54

Search Gas Fee

Gets the current network fee (gas fee) information for the network (blockchain) corresponding to the ChainID.

let gas: GasPriceInfo = try await fncyWallet.getGasPrice(chainId: 3)

See Also



Search Ticket Information

Before creating a ticket, it checks for transferability, nonce, GasLimit, etc.

Depending on the type of asset you're sending, or whether you're sending via WalletConnect, you'll need to select the correct ticket type.

  • AssetTransfer : CoinTransfer

  • SmartContract : TokenTransfer & Contract Execution

  • WalletConnect : Used when connecting to WalletConnect

See Also




Transfer Coin

let ticketData: FncyTicket = try await fncyWallet.estimateTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.assetTransfer, 
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "1000000000000000000", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil //For ETH Transfers

Transfer Token(Contract Execution)

let ticketData: FncyTicket = try await fncyWallet.estimateTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.smartContract, //
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "0", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
contractAddress: "0x1234...", //Contract Address
txInput: "0x123456....", //Data
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil //For ETH Transfers


let ticketData: FncyTicket = try await fncyWallet.estimateTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.walletConnect, //
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "1000000000000000000", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
contractAddress: "0x1234...", //Contract Address
txInput: "0x123456....", //Data
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil //For ETH Transfers

Create Ticket

Registers a ticket (transaction information) with the server to send to the network, and recieves the ticket's TicketUUID (TicketUUID).

If the ticket creation fails, the TicketUUID does not returned.

See Also



Transfer Coin

let ticketUUID: String = try await fncyWallet.makeTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.assetTransfer, 
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "1000000000000000000", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
txGasLimit: 21000 // Gas Limit

Transfer Token(Contract Execution)

let ticketUUID: String = try await fncyWallet.makeTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.smartContract, //
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "0", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
contractAddress: "0x1234...", //Contract Address
txInput: "0x123456....", //Data
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
txGasLimit: 21000 // Gas Limit


let ticketUUID: String = try await fncyWallet.makeTicket(
wid: 10000, //Wallet ID
chainId: 3, // bsc: 1, eth: 2, fncy: 3
signatureType: TicketType.walletConnect, //
toAddress: "0x1234...", //Address to Receive Coins
transferVal: "1000000000000000000", //Quantity to Send (in wei)
txGasPrice: "10000000000", //Gas Price (in wei)
contractAddress: "0x1234...", //Contract Address
txInput: "0x123456....", //Data
assetId: 6, //Transfer Asset's Asset ID
maxPriorityPerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
maxFeePerGas: nil, //For ETH Transfers
txGasLimit: 21000 // Gas Limit

Check Ticket Information

You can use the issued ticket UUID to search information about that ticket.

To learn how to request a ticket UUID, read Create a ticket.

let ticket: FncyTicket = try await fncyWallet.getTicketInfo(ticketUuid: "ticketUUID")

See Also



Transfer Ticket

Ticket transfer requests the actual execution of a transaction using the ticket information registered on the server.

If the ticket transfer is successful, the transaction history is permanently included in the blockchain and cannot be changed or canceled.

Passes the issued ticket UUID and wallet password to execute a transaction corresponding to the ticket.

To learn how to request a ticket UUID, read Create a ticket.

let txId: String = try await fncyWallet.sendTicket(
ticketUuid: "ticketUuid", // Ticket UUID
pinNumber: "000000" // Wallet Password

Check Transaction Result

Search the returned txId in FncyScan

let txId = try await fncyWallet.sendTicket(ticketUuid: "ticketUuid"
                                           pinNumber: "000000")                                                                 
// 0xc19f68e548c2ed933291aa4cbc9748b4d2b0de4bf1a5516f0b74579fb8e13b54
// FncyScan(Testnet): https://fncyscan-testnet.fncy.world/tx/0xc19f68e548c2ed933291aa4cbc9748b4d2b0de4bf1a5516f0b74579fb8e13b54

Last updated